Dr. Joe Famularo's IOU Life Leadership - Transform Your Life

The IOU Life Anchors for Young Learners book series is based on the bestselling book, IOU LIFE LEADERSHIP, which teaches the IOU 12 Essential Life Anchors, focusing on life principles that are universal and timeless.

These Life Anchors support positive and effective living and should be embedded in the lives of all children and adults. In each book of the IOU Life Anchors for Young Learners series, the IOU 12 Essential Life Anchors are introduced and taught in child-friendly language as IOU Kid Anchors.

We owe it to our children to instill these IOU Kid Anchors in them at the earliest age possible. There are 6 Inside Kid Anchors and 6 Outside Kid Anchors which will help children lead their lives with intention from the inside-out and help ground and provide the inward and outward skills and confidence needed to succeed and propel them on their life journey.

Part 1 of the IOU Life Anchors for Young Learners book series contains 6 beautifully illustrated children’s books, each highlighting a different IOU Inside Kid Anchor. Each book has a unique Inward Life Anchor character that will help children learn and remember each important life principle.

IOU = Inward Outward Upward Living


IOU Overview Book

My IOU Life Ship: Get Ready for the Journey!

Discover Life’s “IOU” that’s Deep Inside you. Use it to Outwardly navigate your Life Ship through both the calm and storms of life and receive Upward Living Life Gifts!

Read about a child’s magical journey sailing through treacherous weather, high winds, and intimidating sea life on their IOU Life Ship using the support and knowledge already Inside to react to these Outward forces.

The result is seeing life in a whole new inspiring way that can lead to incredible Upward excitement, peace, happiness, and fun!

IOU Kid Anchor 1

IOU My Story: Who I Am

IOU MY STORY teaches children about Kid Anchor1: Who I Am. Which is awareness of their unique Inward self and thinking, and how it affects their Outward actions. When children have a better understanding of themselves, including their unique talents, skills, and the dreams that are already deep inside them, and know that they have control of their Inward life, it will help them to have positive and effective Outward relationships and be leaders of themselves. The results will give them more Upward peace, happiness, and joy on their life journey!

In this beautifully illustrated book, Emma shares her “IOU Story” to help children better understand themselves, their Inward talents, skills, and dreams that are already deep inside them. In an engaging and heartwarming way readers will witness Emma’s journey with Inside Kid Anchor 1: Who I Am, and the positive impact it has on her and others, bringing more joy and fun into everyone’s life!

IOU Kid Anchor 3

I’m Ready, Are You? My To-Do List for Today

I’M READY, ARE YOU? teaches children about Kid Anchor 3: My To Do List for Today, which focuses on how to organize and prioritize the important things in life and emphasizes having a plan to complete important tasks each day. When children consistently and proactively plan for the events of their days, it helps them to Inwardly develop their independence and sense of themselves and Outwardly learn how to manage important events, tasks, and fun activities. The results will lead to more Upward peace, happiness, and joy in their daily lives.

In this beautifully illustrated book, Eric learns about the importance of setting priorities and then shares his knowledge with his younger sister, Rosie. Their journey shows children why it is important to plan for each day and how this will help lead to more peace, happiness, and success along the way. Through a developmentally appropriate and heartfelt lens, readers will witness Eric and Rosie’s days unfold with Kid Anchor 3: My To Do List for Today and the positive impact it has on their lives bringing more Upward peace and feelings of accomplishment. Readers will naturally want to use planning in their own lives to experience more achievement, joy, and fun!

IOU Kid Anchor 5

IOU Respect & Kindness: How I Treat Others

IOU Respect and Kindness teaches children about Kid Anchor 5: How I Treat Others. Step into the world of IOU Respect and Kindness: How I Treat Others, where children embrace essential life values and unveil the magic of IOU – three special letters that unlock the secrets of meaningful relationships and a happier world. 

Join us on Amanda’s heartwarming adventure in Kid Anchor 5: How I Treat Others, where she becomes an IOU leader under the gentle guidance and living example set by her teacher and mentor, Mrs. Rose. Together with Amanda, embark on a journey of spreading respect and kindness, guided by the beautiful and inspiring teaching from Mrs. Rose. Witness the transformation of the world into a brighter, more caring place as Amanda carries forward these invaluable lessons through her actions. Start this meaningful journey today and join us in shaping a brighter more compassion tomorrow! 

Understand & Teach




We owe it to our children!


Inside Living - knowing your Inward self and thinking, the unique talents, skills, and dreams already within you. Everything starts within and inside you - Inside Living.


Outside Living - are interactions with others and the Outward world. Everything first starts inside us, then we interact with others and the world that is outside us - Outside Living.


Upward Living - receiving the positive feeling of Upward living and propelling successfully on your life journey. Based on our Inside and Outside Living there is by product which we hope and strive for which is Upward Living. Upward Living is when we receive greater peacefulness, happiness, healthiness, and excellence (PH2E) in our lives.​

IOU = Inward-Outward-Upward living

IOU Lessons

What they are saying about: IOU Overview - My IOU Life Ship

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood

“I think education runs through the whole book…the ship is a symbol for life…every page is an opportunity for discussion… this book lends itself to interactivity! This book is illustrated with a swirl of colors that sets the story in motion…”

- David Newell, The Speedy Delivery Man, Mr. McFeely

For Inspiring IOU Lessons for each Kid Anchor Book

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Free Download - IOU Life Anchor Planning Pages

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