IOU Living

Lessons From A Great American Sailor

Dr. Joe Famularo

(3 min read)

Read about Vincent Famularo, a great American sailor, whose life lessons inspired me to write IOU Life Leadership. Each chapter begins with a story about Vincent’s life and how he inspired me, my family, and so many others that he interacted with during his lifetime.

Lessons From A Great American Sailor

          We all love to be inspired by someone. I am fortunate to have had so many people in my life who have inspired me. The word inspire is from the Latin word ‘inspirare’ which means to “breathe life into.” How beautiful to have someone breathe life into us which injects their enthusiasm, optimism, and positivity in us and prompts us to make our best efforts moving forward.

          A person who inspired me was my grandfather Vincent Famularo. The lessons he shared inspired me to write a book, IOU Life Leadership. I included the subtitle, Lessons From A Great American Sailor, because each chapter begins with a story about Vincent’s life and how he inspired me, my family, and so many others that he interacted with during his lifetime. Integrity is the first word that comes to mind when I think of the way he lived his life as a son, father, grandfather, businessman, community member, and during his proudest time serving as a sailor in the US Navy.

         Vincent immigrated alone from Italy when he was 13, carrying only a black trunk and $30 in his pocket in search of a better life for himself and his family. In 1918, while serving in the US Navy during WWI, he became very ill at the height of the Spanish flu crisis. He was admitted to a US Naval Hospital in Paris and fought his way to recovery. Through his modeling the lessons of Life Leadership along with my many years of research, IOU Life Leadership provides a systematic approach to help us live our lives by design in a positive and effective manner using The 12 Essential Life Anchors. It’s for anyone seeking deeper insight into themselves, looking to live according to a plan, and wanting to become an IOU Life Leader!

         The book uses a nautical theme based on the analogy that you are the captain of your ship, navigating through life with beauty and obstacles along the way. Vincent literally and figuratively sailed the seas of life and provided essential Life Leadership lessons for everyone around him. You owe it to yourself and others to learn and practice IOU Living and become an IOU Life Leader! Thank you, grandpa, for the inspiration!


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