The 12 Essential Life Anchors

The IOU Life Living Wheel and The 12 ESSENTIAL LIFE ANCHORS

Dr. Joe Famularo

(4 min read)

The IOU Life Living Wheel represents IOU Living, a foundational framework for positive and effective intentional living based on universal life principles leading to a Dynamic Positive Culture for you, your family, your team, and your organization. There are 6 Inward Anchors that symbolize your Inward Thinking, your Inward opinions, and your Life Maps and 6 Outward Anchors that symbolize your Outward Living and your Outward Actions with others and the world. The 12 Essential Life Anchors are immovable, timeless, universal life principles that provide a framework for living the IOU Principle in a positive and effective manner.

The IOU Life Living Wheel and the 12 ESSENTIAL LIFE ANCHORS

At the bottom of this blog there is an image of a captain’s wheel which I call the IOU Life Living Wheel. It represents IOU Living, a foundational framework for positive and effective intentional living based on universal life principles leading to a Dynamic Positive Culture for you, your family, your team, and your organization

The center of the IOU Life Living Wheel contains an anchor, a critical piece of a ship’s equipment and a symbol of strength, stability, and groundedness. This center anchor represents YOU, with 6 Inward Anchors that point in symbolizing your Inward Thinking, your Inward opinions, and your Life Maps. The IOU Living Wheel also has 6 Outward Anchors that point out, symbolizing your Outward Living and your Outward Actions with others and the world. The 12 Essential Life Anchors are immovable, timeless, universal life principles that will transform your life both Inwardly and Outwardly. They provide a framework for living the IOU Principle in a positive and effective manner.

You are always living in one of two modes—Inwardly when you are alone thinking, and Outwardly when you interact with another person or the world. Are you living by your design or the design of others? You have 100% control of your Inward Living, and by taking the time to create your Life Maps, you will feel a sense of control and purpose as you travel on your Life Journey.

When the captain rotates the wheel on a ship, it turns the rudder and thus sets the course for the journey. The 12 Essential Life Anchors will assist you in setting the course and navigating your Life Journey. The result is Upward Living, which is the byproduct of the synergy of living the Inward and Outward Principles in a positive and effective manner

It is important to pause and reflect on your Inward Anchors – SelfCulture, Life Vision, Daily Mission, Life Principles, Life Values, and Life Goals, which are your safe harbor.. In life, you need to grab IOU Life Living Wheel and steer your ship through the Outward elements of the waves, tides, and storms. The 6 Outward Anchors of Inspire IOU Trust, Practice Positive Communication, Create Common Language, Construct a Cohesive Environment, Establish Everlasting Traditions, and Model a Mindset of Propelling PH2E will provide the steady, true north, timeless principles to enable you to weather any element or storm. It’s time to take charge of your life, lift the anchor, hoist the sails, and turn the captain’s wheel to set the rudder in the direction of your life dreams! dreams! 

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