IOU Living

What is a Dynamic Positive Culture?

Dr. Joe Famularo

(3.6 min read)

A Dynamic Positive Culture for family, teams, and organizations is one of the results of intentional and effective Inward and Outward Life Living. It is when a group of people has a clear destination, and all members are heading toward it in a safe, enjoyable, and effective manner.

What is a Dynamic Positive Culture?

     Have you ever walked into a new environment – it could be a business, a family, a store – and felt what a great place it was?  You could just tell by the way people in that environment spoke and behaved toward one another, maybe even by the decorations that hung on the walls, or the symbols and slogans that were displayed.  You felt welcomed and valued, and probably inspired. What you were sensing was that organization’s (or family’s) Dynamic Positive Culture.

     A Dynamic Positive Culture for family, teams, and organizations is one of the results of intentional and effective Inward and Outward Life Living. It is when a group of people has a clear destination, and all members are heading toward it in a safe, enjoyable, and effective manner. The culture is guided by true north, universal, and natural principles and everyone has a mindset of continuously improving their mind, body, and heart. When you achieve a Dynamic Positive Culture for your family, team, and organization, the group’s Life Plan is being executed by design, on course toward its Life Vision, living out its Daily Mission and moving closer to achieving its goals. Every member will experience high levels of Peacefulness, Happiness, Healthiness, and Excellence, or what I term PH2E.

     When you are immersed in a Dynamic Positive Culture, there is high trust, and people treat each other with integrity. When dynamic leadership is established, an organization becomes a learning community, continuously improving the mind, body, and heart. Organizations that grow a Dynamic Positive Culture of leadership promote shared decision-making and release the pressure to act individually in a vacuum. They help everyone adjust to inevitable change by offering proper tools to make adjustments necessary for the challenges and changes ahead. Dynamic leadership recognizes that everyone has unique talents which need to be nurtured and celebrated.

     The opposite of a Dynamic Positive Culture is a Toxic Negative Culture.  This occurs when the group member’s Inward and Outward living is negative and ineffective. People do not treat others with respect, there is little character, and low trust.  Which organization would you rather belong to – one that radiates positivity where everyone works towards common goals or one where people act out of self-interest and lack character and competence?

     What about if your family, team or organization is somewhere in between these two extremes? If you want to improve the family, team or organization, you need to improve the culture by enhancing the relationships within it. Start small and concentrate on improving your own behaviors first.  Act with trust and integrity and model these behaviors for everyone you encounter. Make sure that your words and your Outward Actions are aligned.


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