IOU Living

Who’s on your Inward Life Ship? No Draining Pirates allowed!

Dr. Joe Famularo

(3 min read)

We all are captains of our own personal Life Ship through the calm and storms of life. We call this your Inward Life Ship. However, we don’t travel alone. Everyone has companions with them throughout their life journey. The hope is to have others with you who support your journey and life aspirations: people who lift you, encourage you, and inspire you! When you reflect on it, you may see that you have individuals who are pulling you down, draining you and maybe even sabotaging you. These people are Draining Pirates who may be pulling you down and sinking your ship!  The good news is they don’t have to stay there. It may be time for them to “walk the plank!”

Who’s on your Inward Life Ship?

No Draining Pirates allowed!

We all are captains of our own personal Life Ship through the calm and storms of life. We call this your Inward Life Ship. However, we don’t travel alone. Everyone has companions with them throughout their life journey. The hope is to have others with you who support your journey and life aspirations: people who lift you, encourage you, and inspire you! On your Inward Life Ship there are four categories of people that are with you like engines that produce the power that drive your Life Ship. Your four engines are: 1 – Yourself; 2 – your Spirit, 3 – your Family; 4 – your Friends.

Who’s with you on your Life Ship? Write down their names. Do you bring the world’s negativity on your Life Ship? When you reflect on it, you may see that you have individuals who are pulling you down, draining you and maybe even sabotaging you. These people are Draining Pirates who may be pulling you down and sinking your ship!  The good news is they don’t have to stay there –  you have 100% control over who you allow on your ship. Get your Inward Life Ship in order. Your crew should be the most important people in your life – your closest family members and friends and your inward connection to your spirit.  These people are embedded in your Inward Being and add value to your life journey.

If there are Draining Pirates that are continually taking your Life Ship off course or even sinking you, it may be time for them to figuratively “walk the plank” in your Inward Mind! Put the Draining Pirates on a dinghy or small boat that floats close by. Once they are mentally off your Life Ship you can get on with your life journey. You will immediately feel more PH2E – peacefulness, happiness, healthiness, and excellence.

I’m sure you can think of Draining Pirates who you might want to “walk the plank.” Start making your list!  The dinghy is a holding place for the difficult people in your life. It’s a place off your Life Ship which gives you some cognitive distance. If you wish, you can rebuild your relationship with them over time. If and when you feel the relationship has improved and they are supporting you, welcome them back on board your Life Ship to join you on your journey. Until then, no Draining Pirates should ever be on your ship!

While the difficult people are on the dinghy, it can be a valuable teaching moment because you may begin to realize that the problem is not them but rather how you choose to respond to them.  No one really wants to be a Draining Pirate. They are negative for a reason, and we need to understand them and hope they transform to being more positive. We always have 100% control over how we react to others, and our reaction to them is our reality. In essence it’s not them, it’s us. Many times we keep difficult people on our Inward Life Ship because we think we can change them. You cannot control and change others. You can try to influence and inspire them, but you cannot change or control them. There is a big difference between controlling and trying to influence others. Don’t think about controlling others, instead think about inspiring with your heart and influencing with your mind. The only change that you have complete control over is the change you make within yourself.

It’s time to get your “Life Ship” in order, and chart a course based on your life aspirations that will propel the great Life Gifts of peacefulness, happiness, healthiness, and excellence (PH2E) into your life.  So right now, as you are navigating your life journey – is your Life Ship stuck, drifting, or even sinking? If so, get back on course by determining…Who’s on your Inward Life Ship? Remember, No Draining Pirates Allowed!

P.S. As we begin the New Year, send a quick message to some or all of your “crew” that you chose to be on your Life Ship. Let them know that they are important to you and on your Inward Life Ship. Show gratitude for their support on your life journey!


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